Offering a Helping Hand: Reducing Homelessness in Las Vegas

Could you imagine coming home to your family knowing you were about to be evicted the next day? Or knowing you were losing the fight to an addiction that threatens any possibility of a future? Many face these harsh realities every day, and most are the result of generational effects of trauma.

Homelessness has been on the rise again in the last few years, and many victims of it are children with single parents, the elderly, and veterans. Disregarding what we might see on TV shows, homelessness rarely happens overnight and is almost always accompanied by a prolonged struggle to stay afloat.

Since beginning operations in 1970, the Las Vegas Rescue Mission brings peace of mind and much-needed relief to all who step through their doors with a variety of services available for their local community. As one of the only local missions that also helps single fathers, they provide clothing, meals, rehabilitation programs, and of course, a listening and caring ear for those who need to unburden their troubles.

For the next 3 months, your team at Branch Insurance Group is dedicated to helping them as much as we can, and here’s where you come in! We’ll donate to the Las Vegas Rescue Mission in your name for every friend, family, or coworker you recommend to receive a no-obligation quote from us. Together we can change people’s lives and give them hope for a better future!

To Make a Donation Directly CLICK HERE